Tuesday, 23 September 2008


Abi and I are off on another adventure. We will not let our fears of the unknown hold us back, although I am very much hoping giant wasps don’t reside in china, or in fact any small flying creatures that sting… wishful thinking perhaps.

After spending a week in each others company at the beach hut, we are reminded that we can tolerate each other for more than 24 hours (provided that Abi is fed on a regular basis). The fact we have known each other since we were seven years of age is bound to pay off, as there is very little we don’t know about each other. I know a few of you are concerned that we are two small blond girls who are a tad naïve to what the wider world has to offer, but I can assure you we will be just fine, particularly as today I learnt how to say 1,2,3 and tofu in mandarin (yi,er,san…doufu).

Before we embark on our adventure there are a few last minute things we need to do like sorting out getting injected with rabies and investigating these things called malaria tablets, which apparently are quite important. However once the nonsense is sorted we finally depart on the 1st of October… first stop Beijing.

If you want to hear about our adventures and tales of panda wrestling, cat munching or this army they talk of which is made out of terracotta then please continue to check this from time to time. If however you find you don’t have the time we won’t hold it against you (with the exception of Hils G and Maggie O who are expected to check it daily!).

We hope you are all happy and well and look forward to seeing you in 2009.

Jaz and Abi x x x